Sunday, May 8, 2016

Harry Potter House Cup - wk1

Today I am going to talk about the first day of the spring term in the Harry Potter House Cup (if you want to play along you can find the group on  Since I took the winter term off I elected to go back as a 7th year.  In week 1 I finished the back and got about half of the front done of my SuperSweater.  The pattern will be posted here when I am done with the sweater.  I will put it up for my size first and when I post I will try to add everything for the different sizes though if I don't have time I will be adding that information in later.  I still have ends to weave in on the back and of course will have a ton of ends to weave in on the front.

Goals for week 2:
Sunday: Finish front of SuperSweater, weave in ends, block back and front.  Do math for sleeves.
Monday: Work on pattern edits, start sleeves.
Tuesday: Work on sleeves.
Wednesday: Finish sleeves, block sleeves, seem shoulders, pick collar stitches.
Thursday: Finish Collar.
Friday: Finish seeming sweater.
Saturday: Finish Waist Coat.

All of these look to be goals that I can easily finish even with working all this week.  Sunday I will get pictures of the sweater finished to upload on to here and on ravelry along with making a pattern post.  My goal is to finish a knitted Super Girl costume before the Space City Con on Memorial Day weekend.  I know that I should have the sweater ready to go and hope to get my skirt and scarf done before that weekend also.  Even if I don't get all three things this month there is another con in June that I will have it done for.
Well I am off to do some knitting before it get to the time for my walk this afternoon.  I am trying to get 10,000+ steps every weekend.