Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lost some days

Well I was planning on get on here and writing up my progress. Which I am sure is a dry read but this is more for me then you, but if you find it helpful I am glad.  I am having to redo all the work I did on Friday and Saturday though I got all the knitting done on Sunday. Yesterday I came to the realization that I am going to have to go back and redo one swatch. But that is okay.  I am going to make two of them so I can try out two different techniques and see which one I like better.  Stupid Double rib. Yesterday I did nothing, Tonight I am going to try to do a lot. I am going to knit the pieces that need to be knit and seam up everything else.  I am trying to decide if I should take my knitting to work with me and think that I will so that I can make some progress on it faster.  Well that is all that I have to report for today.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Progress Note Friday

I am very tired right now and am totally ready to call it a night, but before I do I wanted to share my progress with everything today.  I only had to work 7 hours so it allowed me to do more on a week day then I normally can do.  I finished knitting swatches 3,4,5, and 6, though I will be knitting swathes 4,5, and 6 again in different yarn so that I can make sure that my best work gets turned in.  I still have to block the swatch pieces for 5 and 6, but for two reasons am waiting. One I am tired and Two I am out of room on my towel.  Tomorrow I may lay the towel out so that I have more room and can get more swatches done.  Tomorrow's goals are once I have the housework I am needing to get done: Make swatches 4,5, and 6 in the different yarn; Block the swatches that have not been blocked; Seam all the finish swatches; Make my Labels; Make the Swatch Information Sheets; Answer any Question for the swatches; and Make Swatches 7,8, and 9 in two different yarns so I can pick out the best work and block those swatches.
This means that Sunday will be more of the same seaming up swatches and making labels and information  sheets for them.  I would love it if I could finish the first 9 swatches this weekend that would put me at halfway done. I thought that I would share some pictures of my swatches pinned out, to show my progress.  They are not done in good light but gives you in idea of the work that I have gotten done.  Tomorrow I will get better pictures and those will find there way to ravelry and maybe some will find there way here.  Until tomorrow, I need some sleep.  I will try to be less boring tomorrow when I post but now promises if I am posting this late again.


Thursday, July 31, 2014


I started my Master Hand Knitter Level 2 in January or February of this year and do to very little motivation I have not gotten very far.  I have finished the first two swatches.  Which worked out great for me because when the knitting guild updated the level two directions, I requested them.  This keeps me from having to do some swatches twice.  Tonight I was able to start answering the question to the swatches.  I have found from level one that it is best to answer the questions as I go.  When I did level one I knitted all the swatches before answering the questions which made it hard for me to remember somethings.  I have also learned from level one to reference everything.  Tonight I am working on re-blocking swatches one and two and that is because when they were seamed up they lost some of there neat edges. While I do not think that it was bad enough for them to get rejected I did not want to turn in work that was not as neat as possible.  Luckily for me the Harry Potter House Cup goes on break for the month of August so I can make it my goal to finish my swatches what that is on break. Then once the house cup starts back up I can start working on the big projects for the master course and it allows me to play along.  It is silly but I like earning my points for doing something I would do anyways.  Even better tomorrow, I am going in to work an hour late! That means that I only have to work 7 hours and can get up and spent 3 or 4 hours before work knitting.  In that time I can finish one maybe two swatches and get them blocking!  I have 19 swatches to make in August (2 of which are already done), and  3 swatch patterns to write.  I will also be working on the swatches for the vest that I will be designing and knitting to send in for one of my big projects for the master course.  It will also be my OWL for the house cup's fall term.  See points and deadlines for me it is all kinds of wins. Well I should go I have some plotting to do on my phone so that I can keep on schedule for the month of August. Until tomorrow keep those needles flying.